Thursday, July 15, 2021

Trailer Arrives!

 Back in April 2021, I ordered a trailer from Harbor Freight for the Portable Chicken Coop Grant Proposal.  The trailer arrived, I have been told about 3 weeks ago, but the information they had numbered to the district which no one has been answering? I called last week and was told to call back after Tuesday, which is the delivery day. When I arrived at HF I gave my name and was directed to the manager, where again I gave my name. There had been no delivery. When I said it was for Upland USD, he responded differently saying it was delivered 3 weeks ago and they were having trouble reaching the school, no one was answering. I swear I gave my cell phone number as a contact. Anyway, I picked up the trailer, it cost me $3.50 for some type of fee. As of the writing, I have successfully put it together. I was a little taken back when, as part of the installation, it is a requirement to repack the bearing in the wheel while placing the wheel onto the trailer.

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